Careers in Health Information Technology by Brian T. Malec
Describes 75 jobs and how to attain them! Information technology is one of the fastest-growing segments of the labor market. This practical, one-stop career guide describes the depth and breadth of job opportunities and careers currently available in health information technology (HIT), and helps readers to enter and advance within this expanding field. The book offers guidance for students in higher education and currently employed individuals looking for mid-career opportunities. It includes a description of educational requirements for success in the HIT field and major themes of the HIT workforce such as informatics, provider-based jobs, vendor, government, and payer-based employment. The book describes quickest-route pathways for careers that require advanced training and professional associations that provide important information and resources. It examines the varied environments in which HIT careerists can workóhospitals, ambulatory care facilities, physician practices, the managed care and insurance sector, public health organizations, consulting firms and HIT vendors, and education and trainingóalong with related job opportunities. Seventy-five jobs include a description, experience and/or education requirements, core competencies, salary, employment outlook, and references. Interviews with individuals in varied HIT careers present a human face that offers valuable advice. An international perspective on HIT workforce development addresses issues and challenges within other countries, and an industry expert sheds light on future expectations for the HIT industry. Links to job resources, and listings of professional conferences and meetings, add further value to the guide, as do job seeker ìtipsî throughout. Key Features: Provides comprehensive, practical information about health information technology (HIT) careers for students and mid-career job seekers Explores the great variety of work environments and job opportunities within them Details education requirements and quickest pathways to attain them Includes interviews with people currently in HIT careers, links to job resources, professional conferences and meetings, and helpful tips throughout Presents an international perspective on HIT career development and the future of HIT careers from industry experts
ISBN: 9780826129949
Publication Date: 2014-01-01