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Landing Your Dream Job: Job Requirements

This guide is based on information provided by Jan-Marie Lanuzza, Experiential Education Coordinator and Jean Moats, Director of Library Services.

Documents that you need to apply for a position

Here is a sample list of documents you may need when applying for positions.

  • Resume: Chronological, functional , or combination

  • Cover letter: the types are vanilla, targeted, and matching

  • Reference Sheet: 3 Professional to 1 Personal 

  • Letter of Recommendation or a Portfolio: depending upon the job

  • Thank you letter (24-48 hours) Email it and focus on what you have already said.

How do I know if I'm eligible for the job?

Review the "requirements" section of the job posting.

Preferred vs. Required Status

Preferred status or skills are those an applicant does not have to possess in order to be considered a “candidate” for the position; however, they are seen as “good to have” qualities that will lead to a higher level of success for the applicant.

Required status or skills means that you must be able to fill all or almost all of the listed items.