Finding good, solid research sources about your topic is an important way to provide information to your audience about your topic.
As part of your research, you will need three sources to support the information you present. You will need to e-mail one of the resources (or a link to it) plus the following information to the Librarian who taught your session, either Laura McShane (, Valerie Freeman (, or Jean Moats ( The information needs to be e-mailed during the class. You will receive confirmation and feedback on your source and citation. In the subject line of your e-mail, add one of these four, depending on when you attend class – MW 935, MW 1140, MW 350, TR 730, TR 935
1 -Topic
2-Source (Remember that your source needs to be reliable. AN article from a library database would qualify, an article from Wikipedia or an unreliable website would not.)
3-Citation for your Source
How to create a video using a Flip Video camera
Roberts, Julia, and Robin Stiles. "YOUR WAY TO EASY VIDEO PRODUCTION."
3-Citation for your Source
Roberts, Julia, and Robin Stiles. "YOUR WAY TO EASY VIDEO PRODUCTION." Knowledge Quest 38.4 (2010): 34-39. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 5 Jan. 2011