Wondering what we take into consideration when suggesting resources to you?
If you choose to remix or create your own OER content, it can be published in OpenEd@JWU, a Pressbooks publishing platform, or the JWU ScholarsArchive.
Items published in OpenEd@JWU are indexed in the Pressbooks Directory (with your permission).
Items published in the ScholarsArchive are indexed by Google, and we collect data about access and usage in order for you to measure your scholarship's impact.
The library subscribes to many paid resources. While not "open," these resources are free for students to use and can be accessed in their entirety to supplement or replace a traditional textbook.
We can help you locate articles and ebooks that represent up to date research in various fields of study. See the Alternative Course Materials LibGuide for examples.
Begin by browsing our databases, or contact a librarian for assistance!
Consulting with a librarian for material selection can help alleviate some of the most common concerns with OER adoption.
source: http://onlinelearningsurvey.com/reports/openingthecurriculum2014.pdf