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HOSP2040 Human Resource Management in Service Organizations: Plagiarism

This guide provides information about resources for your term project.
  • Taking an entire work of someone else and claiming it as your own
  • Copying a passage without quoting it, citing it, or acknowledging it as someone else's words or ideas
  • Paraphrasing someone's words or ideas without giving them credit
  • Reusing an assignment you wrote for a different course


You can get help from the librarians, your instructor, and the Writing Center.

Example 1:

You have a research paper due in your Hospitality class and have not had time to work on it. Your roommate took the class last year and offered to let you look at it. You copy the paper and submit as your own work.

Example 2:

You have a research paper due in this class. You remember writing a paper last year on the same topic for another class. You wonder if you can use the same paper and for your current class. After all, you have a different instructor. No, you cannot submit the exact same paper. You are committing  self plagiarism.

Example 3:

You are working on a project for class and find the perfect quotation which explains your main point. You decide to include in your paper but you don't use quotation marks around it or give credit with an in-text citation. However, you do include the APA citation on your Reference list.  You have still engaged in plagiarism.

Example 4:

You are doing research on your topic and find an article in the database. As you start writing your paper, you include some of the ideas from the article. You are not worried after all it is not word for word.  It is still plagiarism unless you include an in-text citation and a full citation on the reference list.